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События в Риме отель Mecenate Palace в Рим

События в Риме отель Mecenate Palace

Сделайте так, чтобы ваше путешествие было незабываемым. Отель Mecenate Palace организует ужины и мероприятия на особые даты, например, на день Святого Валентина, Новый год, Рождество, а также на все праздничные даты, связанные с церковью Св. Девы Марии Маджори. Известным праздником является воссоздание чуда снегопада 5 августа. В особенности впечатляющей является процессия Корпус Домени, когда Папа Римский отправляет службу напротив церкви. Без сомнения, это незабываемое зрелище.


    Did you know?

    Legend, linked to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, narrates that on the night of August 4, 358 AD. the Madonna appeared to Pope Liberius in a dream and asked him to build a church dedicated to Marian worship. On the morning of August 5, a snowfall whitewashed the place where the Basilica would later be built.

    To commemorate that miracle, since 1983, every August 5th, Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore has been transformed into a large open-air theater where an intense artificial snowfall is staged amidst light and music shows. The illuminated statues on the facade of the Basilica rotate in the enchantment and scenic suggestion of the prodigy, surrounded by music and performances. A highly evocative crescendo up to the key moment, at split midnight, with the Miracle of Snow in Santa Maria Maggiore: the white flakes descend from the sky and whiten the ground for a truly unique and unmissable show

    Fancy to to assist to the most exclusive event of the year? Check availability and book a table at our La Terrazza dei Papi Rooftop Restaurant.

    Table reservations for the dinner of the 5th of August (subject to availability) and menu, by clicking on the following link:

    Hurry up and book now! **LAST SEATS AVAILABLE**


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